Aluminum heat-welding technique

Aluminum heat-welding technique

Date 06/05/2019

Exothermic welding or Exothermic bonding, thermite welding (TW) is a molten solder. This is a heat-based welding process that is derived from the metal oxide reduction of aluminum.

3CuO + 2Al → 3Cu + Al2O3 + Heat (reaction with copper oxide)

In fact, aluminum heat reactions are commonly used for copper welds and other welds such as stainless steel, steel, cast iron, copper, brass, etc. It is also good for welding two different metals. This method is also called under the trade names such as:





Characteristics of the method of aluminum heat welding:

Volume of large welding machine.

The duration of the welding pool is very long, the product obtained is the foundry organization, so the mechanical properties of welding is well guaranteed.

Except for the inconvenience of having to replace molds, this method is often remotely controlled to minimize operator hazards.

Most people use the method of welding aluminum heat to weld outdoors should also be disadvantageous if the weather is bad.

One of the common applications of this method is rail rail welding.


Developing history:

By 1895, the method of aluminum heat welding was developed by Hans Goldschmidt.

In 1938, Dr. Charles Cadwell, an expert at the Applied Sciences Institute (Case Westem Reserve University) in Cleveland, OhiO, developed the first nonferrous metal for aluminum heat treatment. The first use is also for welding rail tracks.

John H.Deppeler Jr is the US patent number 1671412.